"Recovery is hard work,
but worth it." Matt Burton’s life has been one spent in two different worlds. One as a performer, the other as a Coach. Many know him from childhood through adulthood as a performer, a former star athlete, on-air personality, CEO, and founder/social entrepreneur. But for Matt, the survivor of countless forms of trauma that he medicated through addiction; he found that sobriety, recovery, and coaching others to become unbound from addiction to be much more rewarding. |
"My experience with Matt has been life changing. It is good to have found a Recovery Coach who can identify with precision my struggles with IA/SA because he has lived them and has been successfully in recovery for many years. He encourages me when I need encouragement and pushes me hard when needed as well. He understands my occasional difficulty in implementing and using certain recovery tools and always seems to have an alternative tool when one isn’t getting desired results."
ACCEPTANCEHelping Thousands
As he healed from his own addiction and trauma, he started sharing what was working in his life with others. For more than 28 years, he had a dual career as business leader and Recovery Coach. He deepened his understanding of addiction and trauma beyond his own personal experience through extensive training, certifications, and being coached himself by some of the best clinicians and subject matter experts in the field. Fast forward more than 28 years and through coaching, mentoring, teaching and program development, Matt has helped thousands of men and their partners experience healing from sexual addiction, chemical addiction, and relational trauma. |
EXPERIENCEBreaking the Shackles of Addiction and Trauma Matt Burton has been in pornography addiction recovery since 1992. In 1994, he was a part of starting FMO/FWO (For Men Only/For Women Only) for pornography and sexual addiction recovery. Since 1994, Matt has worked with sex and pornography addicts and their partners to help them find healing, maintain sobriety, and heal and restore their relationships. He is a certified sexual addiction recovery coach (SRC), partners recovery coach (PRC), intimacy anorexia® coach (IAC), nationally certified recovery coach (NCRC), nationally certified family recovery coach (NCFRC), life coach, certified clinical trauma specialist for both individuals and families (CCTSI) (CCTSF) and certified clinical trauma specialist for trauma and addiction (CCTSA). Additionally, for over two decades, Matt has worked with men that have experienced many forms of trauma and is the author of groundbreaking book The Unbound Man – Breaking the Shackles of Trauma & Abuse Experienced by Men. Matt has helped men and their partners heal from trauma and has also been specifically trained to work with women that have experienced Partner Betrayal Trauma. |
"Matt is engaging and has a positive outlook on life regardless of the past. He is honest, knowledgeable and compassionate. He separates actions from the person. He can firmly hold me accountable while affirming me as a person. He doesn’t ask me to do something that he has not already done."
- Jeff-
- Jeff-